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CVLT Nation Interviews Michael Makela of BONGZILLA !!!

I’m going to keep the write up short, but I will say it was a pleasure to have a chat with Mike Makela from Bongzilla today, which you can listen to in full below! Check this out: if you don’t know, now you know: they are on a HUGE tour right with Black Cobra. This stonerdelic show happens to be sponsored by CVLT Nation, so when it comes to your town, bring some weed for the band and have good time, and tell them CVLT Nation sent you…Bongzilla is fucking unreal live!!! They hit San Diego tonight at Brick by Brick, so if you’re in SoCal then say high for us!


Banner Photo: Bronson Karaff

bongzilla interview





  1. Clay Asbell

    March 12, 2016 at 10:41 am

    Wow a post that isn’t about satanism, or witches. I am quite surprised.

  2. Bronson

    March 11, 2016 at 12:36 pm

    You’re using an edited photo of mine from a show here in Minneapolis. Could you give me photo credit please?

    • Meghan

      March 11, 2016 at 4:50 pm

      Sorry about that Bronson! We pulled it off their Facebook page and didn’t see a credit. Done!

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