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CVLT Nation Exclusive
Interview with Lord Mantis

Lord Mantis, Pervertor!
Interview By Metaloath

So, you might have already heard the Pervertor album from Lord Mantis that was released March 2012 by Candlelight. And if you’re not too picky on the moral issues, you might have concluded like many others that this album is one monstrous collection of songs that dives fearlessly into filthy stuff – lyrically, sonically and art-wise.

We’re talking major sludge metal fest here people, with Bill Baumgardner (drums), Charlie Fell (bass), Drew Markuszewski (guitars), and Greg Gomer (guitar) revelling in the blackest of moral mud. All skilled metal people with a lots of experience. Almost fail-resilient, I’d say.

The artwork on Pervertor by artist Justin Bartlett is sick stuff. I have spent days and nights trying to figure it all out. Is it an armless woman Jesus being sucked empty by bystanders, or some transvestite crucified being used as a bong? I have tried to decode it all and reveal the Da-Vinci code – but I really struggle. Whatever the fuck this is, it’s twisted.

Nonetheless, the album pours out heavy, muddy riffs while the vocals desperately spell out the alphabet of depravity over topics, securing VIP treatment in terms of parental advisory.

Sanford Parker produces the album, and he has skilfully torn to shreds every instrument so that the album comes across as really raw and filthy. Together with the pulsating riffs and repeating themes, it feels like somebody is trying to convince you to do something you’re not supposed to do under any circumstances.

I’m guessing that this album is impossible to ignore when metal fans sit down on Christmas Eve to scorn religion and write up their shortlist of best metal of 2012.

Therefore, an interview is legitimate. Case closed.

Hi guy(s), thanks for taking the time to do this interview! You have a new album out since March 2012, and reports are that the feedback from numerous zines and fans is very positive. I’ve even seen dead people rise from their graves at midnight to bang their heads to the Pervertor album. What are your thoughts on that?

I’m glad people like it; we aim to please.

Full interview after the jump…

Sanford Parker produced the album, and it comes off as a truly filthy and raw cesspool of sludged evilness – what was his contribution to the sound and feel of the album?

He’s definitely got a certain tonal palette he works with, big drums real organic guitars. We let him do his thing; he comes up with a lot of the cool effects ya hear on the record.

Generally, there are good songs and there are bad songs. How do you know that the songs are good?

Some riffs stick, and basically if ya can remember the riff by the next practice it was probably worth a shit. We don’t really worry about being metal or cult or any of that kiddie stuff. Save that for pro wrestling.

The members of Lord Mantis are connected to quite a few other bands. Where does Lord Mantis fit in compared to the other bands that you’re involved with? What is the spirit of Lord Mantis compared to the other bands?

Well, I always have to say that Lord Mantis is not a side project first off, Nachtmystium is more of a rock band and I don’t think we have very much in common musically with them. We share a lot with Indian as Dylan has had a hand in writing lyrics in Mantis and we have a very similar vocal range. He actually sang the last two tracks on the album. We also have the same drummer so I can see people saying we sound similar. I think there’s been a lot of cross influence between the two of us.

Assuming that you do not play metal 24/7 all year long: What is your best non- musical inspiration?

I’m in my head a lot, I watch people, like looking at them as if I’m not part of the species, watching people eat. Everything we do is in some form jerking ourselves off. Like doing this interview. These things are always weird for me, I’ve been up for a couple days. I’m unemployed and lazy and have too much time to think.

Now, the lyrics and song titles of the album points in the direction of all sorts of evil stuff. Are there any common denominators or themes here?


The topic of foul and nasty lyrics and art in rock music is a classical debate. Senator James Exon stated 19th September 1995 in the PMRC Senate Hearings on Rock Lyrics that the committee, that he was looking for a voluntary policing the music industry concerning inappropriate artistic expressions, suggesting that artists should clean up their act in order to protect children and moral in general. Frank Zappa, in his testimony, replied that the PMRC proposal is an ill-conceived piece of nonsense, which fails to deliver any real benefits to children. Where does Lord Mantis stand on this issue?

I guess you can’t help what comes out of you, at least if you’re an honest artist. It’s a creative endeavor there’s no room for policing, almost everybody’s half fag in some way, at least I guess maybe I just haven’t lived the kind of life where I could relate to Maroon 5. There needs to be a bit of everything I guess is what I’m saying – from filth to flowers.

Is there a limit to free expression? Are there lyrics that should not be written and performed?

No limits. No laws.

Frank Zappa compared legislation limiting artistic expression as treating dandruff with decapitation – for what other problems do you see decapitation as the right intervention?

Playing ranchero music at 7am. I’d cut my neighbors head off for that if I could. With a pocket knife along to the rhythm of the tuba. Then again I’m sure he’d cut my head off for being a white person in this neighborhood. I don’t think it’s a common plight in Norway, but ya know what a tuba sounds like right?

The evil and corrupting influence of music on innocent children s no doubt a global threat causing death and devastation all over the planet. Children are exposed to immoral stuff and stray off the path of perfection. I would kindly ask Lord Mantis’ advice on one case in this matter: a friend of mine has a son that has starting to like radio-friendly RnB music and Phil Collins’ mid/late-career songs. How can this kid be saved and returned to metal music exclusively?

I like Phil Collins. If you make your kid listen to metal he will just end up like Slim Shady.

Response on concerts: You played the Live Wire Lounge the 18th of July, and have done some shows with the new material. How has the response been?

Well that show went very well, new stuff went over killer. Hopefully we will get in the studio sooner than later.

As soon as anybody mentions Black Metal or anything remotely associated, all sorts of people start to show up that don’t give a crap about the music – but are into some kind of an ideological basis of extreme music. Some bands are neo-Nazi magnets, others attract more tree-huggers and Pagans than the forest itself. What your thoughts on that?

They all break edge right? The shit just looks silly when you’re 30 years old. An idealist over 30 is usually just looking for a way to fuck young boys and girls. Put ‘em in a uniform and make ‘em suck. Shaved head and suspenders, are you turned on?

Artwork: ugly in a pretty way – what does it mean? I have spent days and nights trying to figure it all out. Is it an armless woman Jesus being sucked empty by bystanders, or some transvestite crucified being used as a bong? I have tried to decode it all and reveal the Da-Vinci code – but I really struggle. What is the truth about the cover?

It’s filth for the sake of filth, just like the album

I also got a hold of artist Justin Bartlett to get his thoughts on the artwork:

Justin Bartlett: As per most of my undertakings, the illustrations in Pervertor started as my interpretation of the band’s lyrics, song titles, mixed with a combination of some of my existing ideas. I usually have a bunch of pencil sketches I can pull basic ideas from, but of course new ideas spring forth from reading the band’s texts. So, to answer your question – if the subject matter of Lord Mantis’s songs manifested themselves physically – that would be the form they’d take if I had a say in it.

There are no hidden meanings actually. Make your own. I do not wish to portray my figures in an idealized fashion as I think many other “metal artists” do with muscles, perfect set of round tits, long flowing hair…. I’d rather show the perverse, the rotten, the weirdly penetrated, the mutilation and defilement of the corpse of God (the son of God) – because that is what the music is about. It’s not a comic book, it’s an album full of ugly music!

No matter the meaning of it all, the artwork is great. Vinyl release anytime soon? The artwork would really benefit! Gatefold and all that stuff, you know, holograms and splatter pressing.

I’m hoping we can get somebody to put it out on vinyl. It’s always a struggle when you got to work through multiple labels though.

Justin Bartlett: Yes, I’d love to see a vinyl as well. When I work on projects for bands, that is my end vision. I draw and design for the vinyl format, because that is the best format in terms of visuals. Since my illustrations are fairly detailed – a compact disc is kind of a waste I think, but it’s also very cheap. Ultimately, an LP release isn’t my decision, but I’d prefer that my work be as large as possible since most of my LP drawings are drawn at approximately 100% the print size.

Enough on the artwork. Mass-grave or unmarked individual grave? Why?

Mass grave – misery loves company.

A pinch of Bath-salt from Harley Flanagan’s supply or Nidrosian moonshine from Norway? Why/why not?

Bath salts. It’s all about productivity, I would have had this interview done last month if I had some of those.

What is the next move for Lord Mantis? Have you got time to write new material while in all those other bands?

Tour in the fall, record hopefully in the winter, new record in the summer; That would be ideal. We’ve been home a lot this year so have tons of stuff written.

Your top-three list of bands you wanna see WIN in the year to come. Any talent we should pay attention to?

MY COLD DEAD HAND, best band from Chicago that nobody knows about. Dudes from Trouble, Articles of Faith and Wicker Man.

I think I want to see everybody else fail so that’s my list.

Any final words to people out there? Any word of advice or tips to improve existence?

Embrace your half fag because you’re really not that cool.

Word up.

Thanks for your time, and wish you the best in the year to come! And take the trip over to Europe and play metal. I recommend that you start in Norway.

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