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Apocalyptic Blues


Black Wizard record release, February 27 2016. Rickshaw.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from going to shows in Vancouver, it’s that Black Wizard is where the party’s at. Doubly so if they’ve got a ripping new record to unleash upon the unsuspecting masses.

Man The Wolf kicked the night off with a tight set of unapologetic rock n’ roll tunes. Their MO was readily apparent: Rock out and have a good time doing it. Couldn’t have asked for a better way to get this party started.

While attendance was still somewhat sparse at this point, Waingro stepped it up and ripped off the faces of those recently arrived. You can’t contest this band’s work ethic when it comes to playing – they’ll play it as hard as they can, no matter what.

Up next was a long-awaited set from Anciients, after a respite from playing shows for over a year. It’s always disquieting to see a band this good have to take time off to deal with adult life stuff, but holy fuck is it ever satisfying to see them come back twice as hard. This band seriously has something to enjoy for anyone that’s ever looked at a guitar and thought “I like the sound that this makes.” The new tunes were killer.

Portland’s Mos Generator – Listenable Records labelmates with our headliners – occupied the stage for a solid 45 minutes of straight-up rock. Listen, it doesn’t have to be dirty. It doesn’t have to be clean. You can cover Rush and it will be the filthiest thing you ever do, no matter how many times you wipe. Thoroughly enjoyable, and huge props for regaling us with a subtle gesture that everyone enjoyed the shit out of. And I’m saying this as someone that isn’t even a real Canadian.

Black Wizard then proceeded to play a bunch of songs that Black Wizard wrote, but by this point, everyone was too drunk to notice. They danced, sang, and cried. The band did the same, minus the crying. Guest appearances were made by Kenny Cook and Johnny de Courcy, and anyone that didn’t come home with a hangover got there the next day to find it waiting for them, and probably in bed with someone else.









BLACK WIZARD are heading on a cross-Canada tour alongside DEAD QUIET starting June 2nd, tour info here.



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