To Live A Lie Records never really take a break, right? Consistently releasing interesting grindcore and powerviolence records every year, TLAL tend not to put a foot wrong. With Magrudergrind, Agathocles and Pretty Little Flower amongst their releases down through the years, it’s hard to argue otherwise. One of their latest releases is this new 7” from Boston grinders Curmudgeon – five tracks of the usual suspects, killer, no BS grind.
One of the most intriguing things about this 7” is the amount of activity that has been shoved into its short running time. Krystina Krysiak leads the vocal charge with her loud, boisterous wails over break neck verses and equally slower crushing riffs. Her vocals are often complemented by some typical muffled powerviolence vocals too. Meanwhile the drums are a frantic, battering mess.
The first four tracks pass with little heed on the part of the listener, mostly because none of them are over one minute long, except for the final barrage – “Dysmorphic”. At this point the EP’s previous tracks just feel like warm-up exercises for this near-four minute assault on the senses.
This 7” is just no frills powerviolence but with some interesting ideas floating around at the same time. The chaotic ferocity is the centrepiece of this record but Curmudgeon definitely sound like a band with a method to their madness, carefully crafting out each barrage to effect rather than simply belligerent adrenaline fuelled outbursts.
“Dysmorphic” holds up as evidence of this. While the band are more than comfortable to destroy all around them with 40 or 50 second slabs of aggression, they’re skilled at prolonging the attack, and keeping it just as relentless, just as unholy with their racket. This is a band who probably are right in their element in a live environment, giving their primal fierceness the space to be unleashed, but it still all works a treat on record too.

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