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Vancouver has a huge park right off of the city centre, Stanley Park. As a kid, I saw it as the home of the...


How much UNITY does the Vancouver Punk scene have? Loads – this is why from June 9th-12th, the HAVE A GOOD LAUGH FEST will be taking place...


We all know America is going to SHIT politically, and in other parts of the world the SHIT is also hitting the fan. I...


Scrolling through my Instagram feed makes me feel old sometimes. Mostly because of the number of candid camera shots that people take while sitting...


The metal/crust vest, aka the battle jacket, is something that has survived the ages and is still going strong today. Some people hate on...


There was only ever a very fine line between goth and d-beat, you know besides the whole politics. Visually these kids look more like...


Betsey from Relapse hipped us to Blood Milk Jewelry the other day…and I am so happy she did. Blood Milk is one of those...


Los Angeles-based t-shirt line Blood is the new Black are coming with the occvlt! BITNB works with artists from all over the spectrum on...


When it comes to making authentic crusty/metal clothing with a fashion twist, Japanese brands are way ahead of the curve, probably because their market...


My girl Lisa Soltis over at LAS Jewelry really sees the beauty in nature’s cycles of death and decay. LAS is designed by Lisa...

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