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Bloody Rope & Bloody Skulls!
Old School Wrestling Video Essay

Old school wrestling was something that all of my friends and I watched when I lived in Georgia. We also acted out our moves on the playground which was not always the safest thing to do. In the 70’s & early 80’s wrestling had this seedy underground vibe about it but to us it was the shit! We would stay up late and cheer for our favorites, like Dusty Rhodes, Tony Atlas, Andre The Giant, Jimmy Superfly Snuka and Ricky Steamboat, plus many more. These wrestlers did not make the big bucks back then that some modern day wrestlers make today. In a way, the wrestlers from the old school could been seen as DIY warriors. They provided entertainment to a generation of young kids that had wild imaginations. Today CVLT Nation salutes some of our favorite wrestlers from a bygone era. So now peep how Dusty Rhodes used to slap the taste out of Rick Flair’s mouth!





Ric Flair num1






1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Danisthebastard

    January 6, 2014 at 10:05 am

    Good ol’ wrastlin’.

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