When it comes to making authentic crusty/metal clothing with a fashion twist, Japanese brands are way ahead of the curve, probably because their market is as well. BLACK MEANS is a brand out of Tokyo, started in 2005 as a leather goods manufacturer, and in 2008 they started producing their own lines of leather motorcycle jackets, belts and accessories. While a lot of their product is just well-made motorcycle jackets, which is good enough for me, in true Japanese style they also mix it up with some wacky pieces. I’ve noticed that Japanese designers are really into the half-this-half-that piece, and BLACK MEANS did a pretty epic half-motorcycle jacket and half-sweater thing (photos after the jump). Who needs to layer when you can wear both in one piece right? It’s a little bit outside the norm for a lot of people in the community, but isn’t that the whole point of being kvlt in the first place??
BLACK MEANS was involved in a pop-up shop with the Beams Harajuku store in Tokyo last fall, and they definitely showcased their leather craftsmanship during the month long pop-up. I would not be ashamed to own all of these pieces…
They also did a fantastic crusty jacket for the Japanese store Bebberjin with another brand, LABRAT. It has that homemade perfection look to it, with some nice paint-wearing touches on the sleeves. It looks like it should stink like the sweat of 1,000 shows, but I bet it smells nice and new!
I can’t seem to find a website for BLACK MEANS..but I will definitely be on the lookout for any new shit!
March 29, 2015 at 4:26 pm
I’ve found a place that sells some of their stuff, its not cheap either.