One of the pioneers of late-20th century macabre surrealist art, H.R. Giger is an artist that CVLT Nation must recognize for his prolific and terrifying phantasms. Giger may be well-known for being the muse and visionary behind Alien, but his career extends far beyond Hollywood, and into the nightmares of people from around the world. He painted his first scenes in 1964, published his Necronomicon, and has become both renowned artist and benefactor. He has constructed 3D worlds of his artwork, at his bars in Tokyo, Chur and Gruyeres, where spine arches support ribcage walls, enclosing you in the cold, sharp interior of some vast otherworldly creature. Giger paints a world where technology finally meets flesh, where sweet blood ceases to course through mechanical veins, and instead an icy, bitter slime infects the bulbous corporeal forms. These are soulless, leathery, taloned forms, lithe and lightspeed in their movements, existing in a misty underworld. If these are the images that his mind conjures, then he is exorcising some demons indeed. After the jump, check out a selections of Giger’s works, as well as some photos of the Giger bar in Gruyeres…

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