New Zealand’s Beastwars first came to my attention a little earlier this year due to the nonstop praise the wonderful Craig Hayes (Six Noises, Pop Matters, Heavy Metal, was giving this stoner driven quartet. New Zealand doesn’t have a vast metal scene (Ulcerate is the only other group that comes to mind right now) so it’s always a big deal when a band from NZ suddenly starts blowing up the airwaves. I checked ’em out, and damn, they were definitely worthy of all that hype. Crunchy riffs, growling vocal lines and huge songs that kick you right in the guts – Beastwars are something very exciting indeed and we are incredibly pleased to present an exclusive stream of the track “Imperium” from their new record Blood Becomes Fire.
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=442361058 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff tracklist=false artwork=small track=2615408372]
Blood Becomes Fire is an age-old story of dealing with our own mortality and the band explains that:
“The new album serves witness to the end of days, told through the eyes of a dying traveler from another time. It is a work inspired by eternal themes. It’s a reflection on mortality, death and disease. Sooner or later they come for all of us and we’ve all screamed to the gods for answers, not that they’ve ever come.”
The songs found here are powerful, and of course loud, and the narrative of the record is fed through each track with a stylish blaze. From the opening crunch of “Dune” and Matt Hyde’s rough, immediate voice to the sneaky melancholy of closing track “The Sleeper,” Blood Becomes Fire travels the path of life via highs, lows and straight up rocking out.
Featuring stunning artwork (seriously, just look at it. It’s a trip) from the incredibly talented Nick Keller of Weta, Blood Becomes Fire is an unrelenting force of noise and rhythm that breathes with heady and intoxicating fire. “Imperium” is a crackling and ferociously heavy entry in the Beastwars catalogue and it burns a fervid mark on the album with monumental sweeps of guitar (Clayton Anderson) and ever-present and fantastically weighty bass lines (James Woods) pulsing through the overwhelming cadence of the music and giving it a tangible density.
“Realms” catchy as hell chorus permeates the soul and Hyde’s voice shines through the grimy, sludge-laden notes before “Rivermen” takes over with clear and almost (almost) sung lines that soar over the simple yet driving strikes on Nathan Hickey’s drumkit. “Caul of Time” is another magnificently memorable track that speaks of mythological beings and their return to a world in the process of dying whilst “Ruins” rushes along with a breakneck speed and blasting heat.
Blood Becomes Fire is a terrifically exciting record in terms of pace and concept and despite all that fury, Beastwars never let it overtake their story and instead allow the music to take you on a journey to the end. And if this is how it’s all going to finish? Sign me up.
Grab “Caul of Time” for free from the Beastwars bandcamp page or do the right thing and get Blood Becomes Fire* in all its raging glory. Check their official website for some fancy album packages. You know it makes sense.
*a small note – The album should hopefully be available by now. Fucking time zones, how do they work?!

Alex Meagher
April 19, 2013 at 6:58 pm
Great review, if you want another NZ band to check out try Meth Drinker. They’re playing Heavy Days In Doom Town.
Ian McHenry
April 19, 2013 at 7:13 am
That is a fucking rediculous painting.
Jeremy Orr
April 18, 2013 at 8:35 pm
This is sick. It reminds me a smidge of the last Amebix album. Which is in my mind a very good thing.