Japan is the locus of weird. Especially in places like Tokyo, where you are compacted in with millions of other people, if you want to look like an individual the standards are HIGH. What passes as looking like a weirdo here – all black clothing, a few facial piercings, dressing like an over-the-top hipster – is pathetically simple for Tokyo dwellers. You would be overlooked in a second as a girl in a Little Bo Peep costume skipped by you in 15 inch platforms, or a guy wearing a Samurai outfit steps off the subway, or a ganguro girl sashays past you flipping her bleached blonde hair and sporting an intense orange-brown fake tan. How do you compete with these people? Well, you could always get a large bubble of saline dripped into your forehead (or elsewhere) and then have a thumb pushed into it so it resembles a bagel. You can be a Bagel Head. That’s what some Japanese kids are doing these days to stand out, although it is still mostly practiced in the underground fetish scene and isn’t really a trend. Pioneered in Canada by Jerome Abramovitch, it was brought to Japan by Keroppy Maeda, and it’s often done at fetish parties on a bagel head stage. It’s temporary, so your “bagel” absorbs into your body after 6 to 24 hours, and that’s a good thing – no bagel-headed grandmas walking around 50 years later. Check out a fascinating video about this trend below plus some freaky photos of bagel heads!
Bagel Heads photos courtesy of the internet and Bizarre Magazine
August 17, 2013 at 8:13 pm
Watch out bagel/donut heads when the zombie apocalypse happens you will be a tasty tasty treat.