I can remember what color the sky was; I can remember where the bus took me; I can remember when the record first touched my hand; I can remember the first time that I heard Joy Division. I was never the same after hearing them, I had this feeling that I had heard everything that this band had ever created. I needed to know everything about them, I wanted to know why Ian had to take his own life. Over the years, no matter where I have been in the world, Joy Division has played a special role in my existence. I know I’m not the only person on this planet that feels this way about them! That is what made them so rad – everything about them speaks to the emotions, desires, insecurities & thoughts that we are all trying to make sense of on the daily. Joy Division is way more than just a band or even a movement, they are a sonic monument for generation after generation to discover. The lyrics that Ian wrote are fucking scripture. There are a select few around the world that got to see this dynamite band live, and I wish I was one of them, but I am not. I have watched many videos of them performing live, and there is one video that I would like to share with you today called Here Are The Young Men. The quality is not the best in the world, but in a way that almost adds to the mystery of these performances. Also I would like to share my favorite Joy Division live recording with you; honestly I dig this more than some of their studio recordings. So after the jump, see & hear how Joy Division can change your atmosphere.

[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/16-Atmosphere.mp3|titles=16 – Atmosphere]
Download “Les Bains Douches 18 December 1979”

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