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For those of you unfamiliar with Robin Libbrecht, he is a twenty-five-year old graphic design major from Ghent, Belgium. Although his artwork for bands only took off awhile ago, it is getting recognition from both bands and independent clothing lines. Make sure to check out his blog for awesome updates and his contact info. Over the pass few weeks I’ve had the pleasure of talking to Robin about hardcore, his recent work with HELLFISH FAMILY, and more. Sit back and read this awesome interview after the jump.

When did you decide you wanted to major in graphic design?

I started messing with Photoshop in high school, just doing random stuff to be honest but we all have to start somewhere right? After I finished high school I wanted to go study graphic design but my parents wouldn’t let me, so I decided to go study to be a nurse, but that didn’t work out. After that I tried something else, but that went to shit as well.

My mom died shortly after and I finally decided to go study graphic design, which I’ve been doing ever since. I’ve always been attracted to the visual aspect of the hardcore/punk scene, and that’s what inspired me to go this way I think. I love to hold a record in my hands that has awesome artwork, one day I hope somebody picks up a record I designed and feels the same way.

Give us a history with your involvement hardcore-punk rock

I was a big fan of a Belgian band called Calibre, they were this nu-metal band. I learned that all the members from that band used to play in a band called Facedown, which appeared to be this legendary straight-edge/vegan hardcore band from Belgium. I started researching this band and discovered this whole underground “scene” with bands like Liar and Congress, and from that moment I’ve been listening to hardcore in all variations.

There’s definitely some sort of progression in my musical taste. I remember when I first put on a Converge record, I said to myself: what the fuck is this, this is horrible. And now I’m a big fan of their work and can’t wait to go see them live next week. I’ve even started to listen to black metal, something I hated when I was younger, and now I’ve started to appreciate.

Current albums in rotation?

Converge – Axe to fall
Scapegoat – self titled
Rise and fall – my circle is vicious
Pulling Teeth – Funerary
Deafheaven – Roads to Judah
Nails – Unsilent Death
Trap Them – Darker handcraft
Hessian – Self Titled
Black Pyramid – self titled
oOoOO – self titled

How did the design for Ringworm come about?

Not much story to that to be honest, I got contacted by Hellfish and they told me they needed a design for a Ringworm store they were putting up. I always loved Ringworm, and I was shocked somebody asked me to do a design for such a big name in the world of hardcore. I love occult imagery and decided to work with that kind of feel for the design. I mailed Hellfish with the design and for a long ass time didn’t hear anything back, so I thought it got canned. Suddenly I got an email saying they would use it and that Human Furnace (vocalist) loved the design, and asked me to some more. I’m still honored to have made a design for them.

Are there any bands/brands you’d like to work with in the future?

I would love to work with Shirts&Destroy some day, I’m a very big fan of them and love the DIY approach they have to things. A design for Rise and Fall which is one of my favourite bands would be cool though. But to be honest, I love working with all bands that come up to me, it’s awesome to know somebody digs your work and trusts you to do something for their band.

You have a very unique taste when it comes to your artwork. Where does your inspiration come from?

It all comes from personal experiences to be honest, I’ve had this shitty youth of which I’m still suffering from. Doing this kind of stuff helps me through stuff, however weird that may sound haha. On a different level, I’ve always looked up to Jacob Bannon, he’s a big inspiration to me and to anybody I guess who has a passion for hardcore music and art. Same goes for Thomas Hooper.

Is there anything CVLT and our loyal readers should look out for?

I’ve done a couple of more designs for Hellfish and a new one for Ringworm, so I hope those will be available too. I did artwork for a 7inch for JUNGLE JUICE which is an awesome powerviolence/trash band. Also I’m doing some work for a 12inch for HEARTLESS which are awesome, too.

Final thought?

Everybody should be stoked for the new Rise and Fall record, it’s going to blow some minds! Thanks for this interview!

CVLT Nation would like to thank Robin Libbrecht for this awesome interview.

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