Agonia – “No Respiraremos El Aire Muerto” DOWNLOAD
This as a free download from Agonia. Agonia are from Mexico and play as they put it indigenous pagan / anarchist blackened crust. The demo starts off with a nice acoustic guitar intro, which has a traditional Mexican sound to it. But things go in a very different direction after. Tortured black metal shriek like vocals accompanied by heavy punk chugging chords. At times the more crust parts remind me of the Spainish band Ekkaia, but Agonia take more influence or sound from black metal, but with all done with a crust punk approach. I love the bleak acoustic guitar/mandolin bits on this demo too, it breaks up the album perfectly, so it never grows stale. Mexico seems to have a thriving underground scene these days. Some amazing bands are coming out of there, like Antimaster, National Disasters and loads more. This is much more memorable than the average crust album, very much worth downloading for nowt.
October 29, 2011 at 6:18 pm
thanks so much for this !!! thanks for the support!! passion for the thunder and love for you!!