One of the first 7 inches I ever held in my hand was NECROS IQ 32. Back in 1981/82, Touch and Go Records meant just as much as Dischord. My homies and I had mad respect for this Midwest bunch of punks because they were skaters! Live, NECROS was the shit – Barry, their frontman, always gave it his all and we would leave their gigs hyped! When looking back at the 80’s hardcore movement, this ranks high up on my list. When the Misfits couldn’t get no love on the West Coast, NECROS never stopped waving their flag high (Barry rocked the illest Misfits long sleeves). Out of many of the bands that started to incorporate metal into their hardcore, NECROS showed the world it could be done the right way with their classic album Conquest For Death. Seeing them at the Cathay De Grande will always go down as one of my best gigs ever! Fuck the dumb shit, check out this epic footage of NECROS live from 1982!
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Steven Szirotnyak
January 16, 2014 at 3:05 pm
Thanks from Toledo, Ohio. Love this band. Would love ’em even if they weren’t from just up the road! Conquest is still my favorite HC LP, music and lyrics taken together. When I first met these guys it was because I was a metal fan walking around a record show in ’81 with the Motorhead S/T LP (“White Vinyl Fever” version), and Todd and Corey were trying to get me to listen to other heavy punk stuff. Totally unpretentious. Still see Andy a few times a year here in T-town. Barry’s in Chicago. Todd lives in Livermore, CA. Great guys. Thanks again.