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Flesh Torn from Bone:
GNAW – FullSet from St. Vitus Bar
Now Showing!

GNAW are a frightening band. Dormant for some years after a piss and bile-drenched but staggering debut, the New York City battery acid-meets-razorwire-meets-ebola sounding noise/doom metal band is about to return with a highly anticipated new full-length album titled Horrible Chamber to be released next fall on Seventh Rule Recordings. To celebrate this glorious moment, the band has also resumed live activity, and you can take a glimpse into what a GNAW show entails in the video  below. In case you’ve been living on fucking Mars or something for the past years, GNAW is the new band of Alan Dubin (Khanate, O.L.D.), Carter Thornton (Enos Slaughter), Jun Mizumachi (Ike Yard), Brian Beatrice and Eric Neuser. Now make your eyes and ears bleed with the footage below and make sure you catch this ordeal of a band in the live environment sooner than later.


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