I don’t have TV (cable, satellite, direct or whatever it’s called these days), so much of the time I am blissfully unaware of all the bullshit media conglomerates are shoving down our throats. But occasionally I miss something that I wish I had known about, and Villafane Studios is one of those things. These two men, Ray Villafane and Andy Bergholtz, carve immense and breathtaking sculpture using impermanent and fleeting materials. They are most famous for their pumpkin carving (yeah I’m a few months late, no TV), which apparently our taxpayer dollars go towards on Halloween, when the White House is furnished with these stunning carved fruits. They are pretty fucking sick though, and the end product of Villafane Stuidio’s pumpking carving is usually what I imagine before I start my own sad and simple Jack O’Lanterns. They are also masters of sand sculpture, and this isn’t your Venice Beach crocodile variety, these are sweeping landscapes filled with drama and movement. The hours it must take them to breathe life into billions of rock remnants is unimaginable, only for their sculpture to erode with the slightest change in humidity and airflow. Same with the pumpkins, although I think that as they rot, they must become even more disturbing to behold, in an awesome way. Check out a massive gallery of Villafane Studios’ pumpkin and sand carving after the jump!
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