It seems like back in the day, people had a better idea of how to give someone the creeps on Halloween. Mostly, it seemed to involve wearing masks that, even on children, gave the wearer such a misshapen, terrifying visage that Halloween must have truly been a dark and disturbing holiday. Today, kids dress up as Princesses or Batman, but decades ago they were grotesque ghosts with gaping maws full of razor-sharp teeth. Parents didn’t think twice about dressing their child in a skull mask resembling a death’s head, putting their kids on the street in costumes that aimed to scare people. Looking through these awesome photos, it’s hard not to reflect on how corporate-consumer-culture has watered down this holiday, especially for children. It used to be about making your own paper-mache goblin face and throwing on an old robe, and now it’s about buying some cheap, tinselly version of a TV character. I offer you a gallery of creepy vintage Halloween photography to peruse for inspiration, then I think you should break out the balloons and newspaper and make yourself a mask that will offend and disgust all your neighbors, just like our forbearers did…

July 2, 2013 at 4:55 am
I was almost three years old in 1958 when my mother had me don the very same witch’s mask you see in the middle bottom photo! As with all great holidays, Hallowe’en has sadly become commercialized.
Raymond W. Bruels III
July 1, 2013 at 7:21 am
I only recently came across this and I wanted to send a thanks out for the gallery of images. They embody the creepiness of what I loved of Halloween as a kid and I certainly think we are missing a DIY element in the holiday.
October 18, 2012 at 7:15 pm
You should post the photographer’s names with the photos. Otherwise the art is ruined. From one photographer looking out for the others.
October 18, 2012 at 7:51 pm
I agree, and usually I would, but these are all early 20th C and didn’t have the photographer’s names. I think a lot of them are just home camera shots.
October 18, 2012 at 10:22 am
Evil and darkness.
October 18, 2012 at 3:29 am
Here’s some more creepy pictures: