Vattnet Viskar are from New Hampshire, and they play black metal. The cold and wooded areas of the tip of the United States can provide just as much of a dark and atmospheric inspiration to musicians as the frozen fjords and vast forests of Norway. Their self-titled EP was recorded in a barn during the chilly New England fall. The band has stated that the lyrics explore mankind’s relationship to his environment, and how small we are in comparison to the vastness of nature. But this EP is anything but small sounding as is heard on the track “Weakness” that we are streaming for you below. Don’t let the title fool you, the song is a burst of violent energy. In what appears to be an exercise in sonic brutality, the song takes many twists and turns during the short course of four minutes and fourty five seconds. The EP will be released on vinyl this February through Broken Limbs Recordings, a label as fresh as the band. The record will come with a digital download with two bonus tracks. You can order it from Broken Limbs, get one from the band at a show, or get a digital copy through their bandcamp. Now stop reading this, put on some good headphones and blast “Weakness” below.
Vattnet Viskar- Weakness
Broken Limbs on Facebook
Vattnett Viskar on Bandcamp
Artwork by Natvres Mortes

April 28, 2013 at 3:10 pm
amazing song.
Bike Murns
January 10, 2012 at 2:50 pm
Great live band. They have a guy devoted specifically to controlling the lighting as well.
Antoine Veach
January 10, 2012 at 10:49 am
This is amazing. I’ve always stated that the New England area was the largest for good metal in the US, and this track just proves my claim. I can’t wait to see these guys perform live.