Have you ever wondered what a killer live ritual looks and sounds like? Well, you are about to find out – Kevin Hobbs captured the latest Sutekh Hexen show at the Lycus House. What you will see in this awesome video is how this band deconstructs blackened noise to construct black caves of audio radness. Sutekh Hexen shows the world how much beauty can be heard in the ghostly sounds from another plane. The way this footage was shot, you will feel like you are in the room in real time! You will also witness how the band makes use of the space and connects to the crowd as well. Out of darkness comes light, and out of them both comes the D.I.Y spirit! Check out this amazing footage after the jump, and also stay tuned for the Sutekh Hexen Sonic Cathedrals Mixtape!
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March 31, 2012 at 7:17 pm
I was at this show. Totally devastating set in a tiny basement/garage space.
October 24, 2011 at 5:49 pm
My preference lies in the harsh noise of Sutekh Hexen but i enjoyed this footage, nice one Sean. Proud to write for the Cvlt.