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Black Metal

Fading Into Nothingness DSBM

I’ve here collected a black armament of recordings made for the darkest portions of your life, when everything is gray, bleak, hopeless, suffering, and suicide is your only comfort. The suicidal/depressive black metal tag has created many imitators, and cheap copies void of any emotion but with this there is a contrast. Some of this can sound completely lifeless but also very beautiful… It’s like you become part of the whole atmosphere being created and the enveloping darkness grows thicker as time stretches. The minds behind these dreadful “songs” are tortured indeed, who have probably had a miserable experience here on earth, or are giving outlet to their anxious depression and unwill of living. Shut out your lights while submitting to isolation and try not to have sharp razors or other weapons lying around. Then listen through in some headphones and drown in it, this will probably ruin your day.

[audio:|titles=Drowning The Light – Tears Of A Dead God][audio:|titles=Drowning The Light – The Haunted Ruins Of A Vampyric Soul][audio:êts-Royaume-De-Glace.mp3|titles=Sombres Forêts – Royaume De Glace][audio:|titles=Anti – Landscape In Minor][audio:|titles=Dodsferd – Another Two Of Your Scars And The World Is Dead]

Listen to rest if you’re through the portal of sorrow here

[audio:|titles=I’m In A Coffin – Finally Happy][audio:|titles=Xasthur – Sigils Made Of Flesh And Trees][audio:|titles=Forgotten Tomb – No Way Out][audio:|titles=Helvetespine – Blott Et Minne][audio:|titles=Anguished – Depart This Life][audio:|titles=Sterbend – Einsamkeit]

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