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CVLT Nation Premiere: BLACK SHAPE OF NEXUS Carrier

BLACK SHAPE OF NEXUS should recognized as one of the sickest HEAVY bands doing it right now! Their new album Carrier is kicking ass and taking names later. It’s full of sonic twists that keep the whole mammoth selection of songs interesting, which means with each listen you will hear something new. BLACK SHAPE OF NEXUS know how to balance their visceral anger with groovy breakdowns that draws the listener into their world of DOOM! Then there are all of the different textures that are layered on top of each other, making a weird kind of ear candy. At times while blasting Carrier, I feel like I’m on drugs that are making me lose my mind, then all of the sudden I feel like I’m in a valley surrounded by sunflowers. CVLT Nation is thrilled to be streaming Carrier in full below, and stay tuned for our full BLACK SHAPE OF NEXUS review!

Carrier will see its traumatizing release through Exile On Mainstream on March 18th, 2016. Details for all formats of the record and preorders have been issued; the CD and massive 2xLP available stateside via Earsplit DistroHERE, and internationally, Exile On Mainstream has the CD HERE, the vinyl HERE, and the digital at iTunes HERE.








  1. Scott Grimes

    March 17, 2016 at 10:58 pm

    Listening to this now. It reminds me of moss.

  2. Wolf Wrams

    March 17, 2016 at 12:24 pm

    Do you like SUN0)))) Jan?

  3. Kamiel de Fouw

    March 17, 2016 at 4:45 am

    Remember seeing them at Roadburn back in ’08, quite a performance!

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