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What is a voided check: When and how to void a check

void check meaning

For example, online Accounting For Architects banks allow you to link external accounts by typing in those details yourself. Billers, such as utility companies, also accept payments by e-check when customers input their checking account information. Some businesses even take payments over the phone, allowing customers to provide the information orally. Companies need a voided check to set up direct deposits for their employees.

Voided Check Example

void check meaning

You can open a Wise account and receive money from around the world with local bank details. All you need to do if you want to establish a direct deposit is take an existing check and write the word ‘VOID’ across the front of it in large capital letters. There are several common situations when someone will ask for a voided check, which the next section discusses. A voided check facilitates direct transfers, giving recipients faster access to their funds.

void check meaning

Why Do Companies Need a Voided Check?

  • The banking product interest rates, including savings, CDs, and money market, are accurate as of this date.
  • Sometimes you’ll need to cancel a check payment after you’ve already sent or given the check.
  • If you add one too many ‘0s’ to your check, you can’t just correct it and hope it works out.
  • This will open the possibility of accessing your money or even stealing your identity for other purposes.

The banking information necessary to start the direct deposit is the account and routing numbers. The offers that appear on this site are from companies that compensate us. But this compensation does not influence the information we publish, or the reviews that you see on this site. We do not include the universe of companies or financial offers that may be available to you. If you don’t have a spare blank check and still need to figure out how to get a voided check, there are a couple of options as well.

Direct Deposit

Although the primary purpose of a check is to facilitate a money transaction, voided checks exist for several reasons. One group of motives derive from errors or changes in the transaction. For example, some information was wrongly written or the check is not needed any more because the transaction was cancelled. But another common reason is simply to send reliable information about the banking account to another person or organization. If you need a voided check to set up direct deposit with your employer, you have a couple of choices. You can take a check from your checkbook and write “void” across it in large letters and provide the check to your employer.

void check meaning

See What Your Business Qualifies For

They can quickly obtain the banking information and feed it into their system to process payments faster. Chase also makes it simple to set up direct deposit with a convenient pre-filled form that you can download through their app and print or email to your employer. One of the most routine instances of voiding a check is for setting up direct deposit with your employer.

  • The company could instantly deposit the money to the respective accounts.
  • To void a blank check, take a blue or black pen and write “VOID” across the face of the check.
  • If you make a mistake filling out a check, write “VOID” across it so the check cannot be cashed.
  • Using an online check writer solution provides a convenient and secure method for printing and mailing void checks.
  • You can write it once in large letters, or you can write it in small letters on the date line, amount line, amount box, payee line, and signature line.

A voided check is an official check from your banking institution that has had the word “VOID” written clearly (and in large print) all the way across the front of the check. Use large letters and write the word “VOID” across the front of the check. Use a dark pen or marker, making sure you don’t write over the numbers at the bottom of the check. Make a note on your register so you remember that the check was voided.

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