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Wake UP…
Documentary Now Showing

No Racism, No Sexism, No Mistreatment of animals, No Aparthied, No Nuclear War…but yes to the rights of the downpressed worldwide! These were thoughts on our minds in 1983/84. We were the kids of the Anarcho-Punk generation & we were willing to fight for a better world. Our political foundation had its roots in the UK & the humans that set it all off were CRASS & their motley krew of peace punk weirdos. In 2006, Roy Wallace made a documentary called THE DAY THE COUNTRY DIED that gave the British peace punk scene a face. This is a super rad film that goes deep into what started this scene. One thing that I really dig about this documentary is that Wallace speaks to many of the unsung heroes of this movement. The film you are about to see shows the humans that fought the struggle for what is now called Dis-Beat, Crust & Peace Punk. When I see kids today that have taken the path of many of these people in THE DAY THE COUNTRY DIED, I know the struggle was not for nothing. So after the jump, enjoy this epic documentary!

All Photos from Kill your pet puppy

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