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Alive But Dreaming
Or Dead But Awake?
The Surreal Photo Manipulation
of Martin Vlach

If you see a whale fly out of the mist over the tree tops in a cold autumn morning, you know something is wrong. Terribly wrong. Somehow Martin Vlach has envisioned such a scene and made it come to life, among many other visions that seemingly clutter his brain and incredibly they come together with his master-level skill of image manipulation. Martin Vlach’s images are frightening and surreal visions of the absurd, pieced together so well, and with such visionary skill, that as you gaze at his work you feel the cold, emptiness, silence and vastness of the world overpowering you and plunging you into a state of silent and baffled reverence. Check out more about Martin’s work on his social media outlets.

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Martin Vlach 6

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