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Apocalyptic Blues

Videoblogger Confidential: Behold the Voice of Jucifer Now Showing!

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And, as promised, I have returned once again, with almost the slightest hint of a regular schedule, to bring you visions from beyond to sate your Friday hungers. For those just tuning in, this is the third installment of my series re-animating the frantic amateur video documenting of some of my favorite artists, over the course of about two years. Roughly three-quarters of those videos seem at home in this space, but their ordered inclusion is solely at my whim.

Seeing that their epic wall of sound will be ripping through the District of Columbia once more in the coming week, I thought I’d revisit some time spent with the legacy that is Jucifer, in the very spot they’ll be returning to. (Ok, truth be told, my own band is opening for them, and I’m stoked out of my mind.)

If, for some reason, you have been trapped deep within the ice of the void, and are completely lost to this group, Jucifer, (Gazelle Amber Valentine and Edgar Livengood), have been founding and destroying the two-piece doom/sludge/experimental scene since ’93. They are a relentless slaughter, always recording, always performing, never settling, never slowing. Both infamous for their live show that incorporates a transcendant atmosphere along with the world’s largest wall of amps, this twosome is a force to be reckoned with. In my mind, there could be no Sunn 0))), were it not for the path of possibilities drudged by Jucifer.

Roughly two years ago, I found myself once more being in that strange and awesome ritual, as Jucifer overtook the Black Cat in Washington, DC. But this time, I’d been prepared to get proof of the transcendent event. Not only did the duo lay waste to the minds of another crowd of followers, but I was fortunate enough to receive a gospel straight from the source. Fair warning, though an exceeding personality in the real world, I never quite found a place of comfort during interviews. As such, I always sound a bit like a disheveled muppet. Despite my cartooned delivery, there is a lot of insight here into the workings of the group as well as the mindframe that went into the “Throned in Blood” album.

So, clear your calendar, sit back, let go, and give into the dimensional tsunami that is Jucifer.

Jucifer performing at the Black Cat Vid # 1 from Denman C Anderson on Vimeo.

Jucifer Interview from Denman C Anderson on Vimeo.

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