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Black Metal


I think I see dead people, I think I hear dead people, or maybe it’s just the sound of Odz Manouk. This California black metal band just keeps amazing me with their 2010 release on Rhinocervs – they took the awesome sounds of the underworld to new levels of gnarly darkness. Actually, this band creates very primitive dirge-infested metal, but they do it with a very original twist. Everything about this release is right on point: the production has that born in he gutter feel that I dig so much, but at the same time everything still comes though loud & clear. It’s weird, but these humans write such complex tunes that at times it almost sounds like classical without sounding over-thought. Odz Manouk are super rad because their songs have these different layers to them that pull on me. This band has an injection of punk energy that never overpowers their black metal foundation. Odz Manouk’s songs are also like mazes – you think they are going one way, then they make a quick turn down rock & kill alley. The vocals on this album are so fucking creepy & filled with black pus I just can’t get enough. On tunes like “The Indisciplinarian,” they bring out the speed demons and place them on the backs of ravens that are nesting on branches of rotting emotions. It trips me out, their songs are full of trapped doors you might just break your neck on one of Odz Manouk cryptic riffs. Every moment of this record is covered in murder hate for all of us to feed on before we step out into the sun & go about living our boring lives. It’s the blackened pillars of tortured melody that they give you to lean against that will also keep your attention. This is really a release that will grow on with each fucking listen, but after listening to Odz Manouk, other records just might not sound as rad!

[audio:|titles=Odz Manouk The Indisciplinarian]
[audio:|titles=Odz Manouk I Will Crush to Marrow This Crow of Ill]

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