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Tune into the Punk Rock Revolution…
Now Showing

What can I say, ever since I was young I have been a major history freak, and when comes to music, I’m a music history geek! When it comes to punk rock history, I get super hyped, so years ago when I heard that one of my idols, Don Letts, was directing a film about the punk revolution, my interest was instantly sparked! The name of his documentary is PUNK ATTITUDE, and what makes his picture different than others is the way he connects all the dots, going back to the roots of the three chord rock tune. I also dig how he covers the American scene with the same respect as the British scene. It’s pretty epic to hear mad heads from back in the day drop knowledge about the past and speak words that the youth of today should live by. Many of these people paved the way for what many kids now take for granted. What’s also very interesting is no matter the decade or century, there will always be outsiders, and those people can come together to make a difference!All PUNK ATTITUDE is full of rare footage that you will never see anywhere else but in this film. So what is your attitude…I know what mine is…after the jump, check out this killer documentary PUNK ATTITUDE!

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