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Apocalyptic Blues

The Power of the Riff…
Photo Essay Featuring
Sunno))), High on Fire and More

On 12/20/12, The Power of the Riff held it’s last show of the year at the Fonda Theater in Los Angeles. Sunno))), High on Fire,C.O.C., Dead in the Dirt, Black Breath, Void Ov Voices, and Loincloth were all in the house making ear drums bleed. CVLT Nation’s comrade in photography, Adam Murray, was on hand to capture Sunno))), High on Fire, C.O.C. and Black Breath straight ripping shit. Again, Adam is able to take his photos in a way that makes you feel like you were in the front row. Besides his killer live shots, it’s his crowd pictures that give this gnarly photo essay such a special feeling! So after the jump taste the blood of zion and peep this insane photo essay of The Power of the Riff! P.S. We hope our contest winners had an insane time at this show!


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