OK, now that my tears have dried, I can see my screen enough to write this post. I remember when I went to buy an iPhone for the first time, the AT&T guy was steering me towards a Blackberry because he insisted the typing function on the iPhone sucked. Of course, I was already suckered in by Apple’s evil genius marketing, plus he told me that the iPhone did have an autocorrect function which would fix the no doubt many typing mistakes I was going to make. Little did I know what world of nonsensical and sometimes offense texting and emailing I was entering! One customer of ours kept emailing me about Yichuan and if I needed help with it, and I was so confused as to what help I could possibly need with a city in China. The faster you type, the more likely your phone is going to say something other than what you mean to write, and probably with a very Freudian take on it too. Check out some hilarious autocorrects below…

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