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Black Metal


This record is one epic flashback to the mid-90ies (makes sense, Sorcier Des Glaces are around since 1998): Black Metal wasn’t just a bloody, raw and fucked up bastard of Teutonic Thrash and early Death Metal anymore, but still a step away from becoming a lucrative form of music with big selling bands like Children Of Bodom or Cradle Of Filth. A certain rawness was still present, yet moody melodies, acustic parts, keyboards and overexaggerated theatralics began to pave their way into the genre. Think of Immortal (circa around Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism and Pure Holocaust) to get the picture. So this Canadian band Sorcier Des Glaces perfectly fits into this frame. I mean this could very well be some lost record from 1994, the songs, the production, the sound – really, this shit is AMAZING. Full review after the jump!

All nostalgia aside Sorcier Des Glaces know how to write songs (like they’ve already shown on two previous albums). I mean, of course The Puressence of Primitive Forests lacks modern elements at all, but I guess this is just by purpose. And there is one thing Sorcier Des Glaces have in common with Immortal: You just can’t take this 100% serious, at least if you were born before 1998. Don’t get me wrong: I totally dig the music – the blastbeats, the melodic guitars, hell even the 10$-keyboard and the cheesy acoustic guitar parts – it just fits the whole image. But I really can’t see anything frightening or evil in songs like “Through the Veils of Frost” or “From the Deepest Pits of Hell”.

Let’s face reality: this is a little bit funny. But like I said before: this isn’t even pretending to reinvent the wheel or to be the most evil thing in the world. This just pure, un-aged and entertaining Metal, an homage to Black Metal of the 90ies. I’m really into that, decide for yourself if you’re with me and the “Wizards of Ice” or not.

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