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Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXXVIII
Curated by Mitochondrion

CVLT Nation is ultra excited to announce that the Sonic Cathedrals Mixtape Series Vol. XXXVIII Curated by Mitochondrion has arrived. This band are so killer in their own right that it cool to listen to the music that they respect. Mitochondrion also used this mix tape to share with the world that their musical interest are broader than what people might think.I really feel that Sonic Cathedrals Mixtape Series Vol. XXXVIII can best be described by the band themselves.So below hear what Shawn Hache has to say about this mix tape plus the you will find the download & streaming link….Just make sure to blast this mix tape until your bones crack!

The first half of these tracks represents music that was specifically and directly an inspiration on the Mitochondrion sound that came to be. While a lot of these releases do not seem that old, it was an interesting time right before this kind of black/death metal became ubiquitous online through downloads and youtube, and random chance mail-order was still a thing. If the description was good and a friend recommended it, then it was worth buying. Not everything needed to be sampled before purchased. When seeing a Revenge or Conqueror shirt was the rarest sight, and you talked to people based on just that alone. These are releases that stand the test of time and still are influential on our sound.

Next is a good sample of like-minded bands that we respect, friends of ours creating hellish attacks, and personal favourites that will never die. The music here all carries a unique element that is impossible to put your finger on, but clearly perceptible. The compositions are generally more unique than most, but more than anything the inspiration and conviction right through loud and clear. Vitriolic and warped to the last.

Stream Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXXVIII Curated by Mitochondrion
[audio: Rapture.mp3, The Initiation.mp3, Sine Qua Non.mp3, Flight Into Exile.mp3, To The Thickets And Swamp.mp3, Cube Of Odium.mp3, Werships.mp3, Fortress.mp3, Monarch of Bloodshed and Eternal Victory (Solar Invictus).mp3, Nalaxyuubm Wil Waal Wilduu (The War Was Fought On Our Land).mp3, Equestrian Seals.mp3, Nadja.mp3, I.mp3, Turquoise Infidel.mp3, Remnants Of A Burnt Mosque.mp3, The Shrine of Mad Laughter.mp3, Father You’re Not A Father.mp3, Trample Their Works.mp3, To The Ultimate Embers and Ash.mp3, Total War.mp3|titles=Morbid Angel – Rapture,Inquisition – The Initiation,Rites of thy Degringolade,Allfather – Flight Into Exile,Hate Forest – To the Thickets and Swamp,Axis of Advance – Cube of Odium,Portal – Werships,The Chasm – Fortress,Dawn of Azazel – Monarch of Bloodshed and Eternal Victory (Solar Invictus),Gyibaaw – Nalaxyuubm Wil Waal Wilduu (The War Was Fought On Our Land),Funerary Call – Equestrian Seals,Akercocke – Nadja,The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud – I,Antediluvian – Turquoise Infidel,Weapon – Remnants of a Burnt Mosque,Deathspell Omega – The Shrine of Mad Laughter,Immolation – Father, You’re Not a Father,Mithras – Trample Their Works,Secrets of the Moon – To the Ultimate Embers and Ash,NON – Total War]

DOWNLOAD Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXXVIII Curated by Mitochondrion HERE!

Side ONE:
1. Morbid Angel – Rapture “Covenant”
2. Inquisition – The Initiation “Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult”
3. Rites of thy Degringolade – Sine Qua Non “Totality”
4. Allfather – Flight Into Exile “Weapon of Ascension”
5. Hate Forest – To the Thickets and Swamp “The Most Ancient Ones”
6. Axis of Advance – Cube of Odium “Obey”
7. Portal – Werships “The Sweyy”
8. The Chasm – Fortress “The Spell of Retribution”
9. Dawn of Azazel – Monarch of Bloodshed and Eternal Victory (Solar Invictus)

Side TWO:
10. Gyibaaw – Nalaxyuubm Wil Waal Wilduu (The War Was Fought On Our Land) “Rituals of Transcendence/Liimk Halaayt
11. Funerary Call – Equestrian Seals “Dark Waters Stirred”
12. Akercocke – Nadja “Rape of the Bastard Nazarene”
13. The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud – I “Rest on Your Arms Reversed”
14. Antediluvian – Turquoise Infidel “Through the Cervix of Haawah”
15. Weapon – Remnants of a Burnt Mosque “Drakonian Paradigm”
16. Deathspell Omega – The Shrine of Mad Laughter “Fas – Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum”
17. Immolation – Father, You’re Not a Father “Closer to a World Below”
18. Mithras – Trample Their Works “Forever… Advancing Legions”
19. Secrets of the Moon – To the Ultimate Embers and Ash “Carved in Stigmata Wounds”
20. NON – Total War “God & Beast”



  1. Theoria_Serpent

    March 11, 2012 at 7:16 pm

    Awesome indeed.

  2. Frownland

    March 8, 2012 at 5:49 pm

    Some great scary stuff!

    I want to note: The Akercocke song is really “Hell”, not “Nadja” as it says here.

  3. Lenny

    March 7, 2012 at 3:55 pm

    Awesome mix!!
    also; what’s the name of the movie Inquisition samples?

  4. Anna

    March 7, 2012 at 8:51 am

    Awesome mix. Loved Rites Of Thy Degringolade.

  5. Mark

    March 6, 2012 at 2:50 pm

    Also the cover that you did of Inquistion’s Imperial Hymn was great

  6. Poib Fehr

    March 6, 2012 at 1:22 pm

    PORTAL is a most excellent choice. Nice mixtape!

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