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The Satan Conspiracy…
Satan is an Alien!!

This may or may not be news to all you Satanists out there: Satan is an alien. Not an angel, not a god; he is, in fact, an alien. And not only that – despite what Christians, Muslims, Jews and the like have been claiming for millennia, he is actually a GOOD alien. While the evil aliens – ie. God and his cohorts – have been trying to keep us ignorant, naked and freezing cold, Satan and his demons have been trying to help us by giving us knowledge, technology and the all-important fire to warm us and grill our steaks (or tofu). I don’t know about you, but when I started watching Ancient Aliens and they talked about how God, Jesus and all the other deities were actually aliens, it made a lot of sense to me. And if they are aliens, well then of course Satan is one too. A big part of my atheism is that I just can’t bring myself to believe that there is some almighty power that runs everything, when all around us is evidence that we are just cogs in huge, clockwork universe, each being doing its part for the system. All the fuckups around us seem to be directly related to religion, namely human beings thinking that they are not a part of the system, but somehow outside of it. By stepping outside of it, we are literally destroying the entire thing. It makes a lot more sense to me that deities are beings just like the rest of us, with faults and flaws, capable of bad judgement and greed. Anyway, back to Satan – check out this episode of Ancient Aliens, which explains what a rad dude Satan is, and how he is a friendly alien just trying to give us a hand with our shitty lives, battling God-alien to help us better understand the universe.


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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Hero

    February 28, 2016 at 1:56 pm

    Satan is indeed an alien from a race called goatram herders but he’s a piece of shit. Jesus is a Jew and he is still alive he left the planet after he came back to life. Satan is responsible for the retarded Reptilian agenda and is the reason we are being forced to live in quarantine in the Oort belt, while the rest of the Universe evolves and lives hundreds to zillions of years or longer. There is no “God” or “Lord”, we live in a karmic system and a lot of idiots made a deal with Satan to force the Earth to live the same life over and over again for a certain period of time. If you are advanced in meditation and can communicate with your soul you will know there are past lives and the most important event in recent eternities was a day called Opportunity Day where we had a choice when we were children as to which race of aliens or people we would align with, and after we are done with this nonsense the Universe will start evolving again. The purpose of life is to do what you want andto find and experience that which you love and makes the most sense to your consciousness and your soul, so that we can understand what life is and means and move on from there. It is life examining itself to understand itself, basically self awareness which is a force like gravity but more complicated. Dejavu is the awareness that you have indeed lived the life you are already living because you have indeed dome it before several times.

    MUFON is a Reptilian organization bent on conquering the unoverse, the Pleiades people are the best and most benevolent race of people who are allies with the Jews and matrilineally centrated as well.

    Steven Greer is the head of MUFON and is an enormous piece of shit who hates women and is hiding with holographic imaging and shape shifting technology and biological capability in plain sight and has yet to produce any worthwhile public disclosure or evidence of UFOs or aliens on his shitty broken website, and he is in charge of the genetic manipulation of the Zeta Reticula greys and other similar aliens to prevent their evolution and he also is bent on destroying Jews who Revere women which is why funnily enough their religious symbol is a vagina \ female flower.

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