Fuck the dumb shit, one the sickest records to come out this year was created by New York’s Villains, entitled Road to Ruin, released via Nuclear War Now Productions. This album is one xtra-large blackened gnarly riff that will have you head banging in the flames of the underworld. Villains’ music has an aura of filth about it, that you will not be able to avoid, and yes, they do have an 80’s thrash vibe about them, but they don’t come off as retro at all. This band kicks Jesus ass with their brand of black thrash that charges straight at you out of your speakers. When listening to Road to Ruin, I’m reminded of how I felt when I first heard Slayer or Merciful Fate in the mid 80’s – this band’s music has murderous amounts of youthful energy about it. Unholy fuck, Villains’ vocals are creepy, sleazy and catchy as sin, with the intention of eating the Pope’s head off. What really makes this record stand out is the guitar work; it’s like watching your favorite horror movie, but it just so happens that you are listening to your favorite riffs. Fuck, their song “Land Hag” says it all, because it’s got everything I want my metal to have: speed, danger and a high voltage of we don’t give a fuck. Villains are all that and a bag of daggers, because they know the power of keeping a groove and conjuring up the right amount of putrid melody. The production on Road to Ruin is perfect; it’s lo-fi, but then still clear, which just adds to the tension you will experience on this album. We all live on this fucked planet, and sometime you need that music that makes you forget that you are in the 99% being fucked over by the 1%. Road to Ruin is a dark escape into a world where metal rules! Who cares if people get this album or not, because I get it – sometimes you need to play the kind of blackened thrash that will eat your face off, and Villains do the job. Is there one wack song on this album? HELL NO! Let’s head bang those dumb fucks out of power! Somehow, some way, find Road to Ruin and kick off your journey into the real side!
[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/08-Land-Hag.mp3|titles=Villains Land Hag]
[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/02-Manic-Gutter.mp3|titles=Villains Manic Gutter]

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