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“The Death Comes Ripping” Tour
Photo Essay

Ever since I was a youngster, I have been fascinated with photography. When I was coming up, there was way more mystery that surrounded the act of taking pictures; I’m just saying, back in the day you needed a darkroom & all sorts of chemicals. Then I got into punk/hardcore in the early 80’s, where I was in awe of photographers such as Glen E Friedman, Ed Clover & Murray Bowles – these dudes documented the action & havoc we caused on the daily. There is nothing better than seeing gnarly flicks of radical shows, and this post is all about seeing gnarly flicks of a radical show! One tour that brought sonic destruction across America this summer was “The Death Comes Ripping” tour featuring NAILS, RINGWORM, BITTER END & NEW LOWS. This caravan of terror had a gig in Boston where they commenced to totally annihilate the place, & our Seven Stories alum Hillarie Jason was on hand to capture all of the mayhem. On the real, she took some amazing shots of all of the bands. These flicks are so epic that you can almost can hear the giant riffs jumping out of the photos into my brain. To make viewing this more legit, blast some NAILS loud as fuck & then have a look at this awesome photo essay! So after the jump, you tune in, because tuning out is not a option, and peep special surprise guest Panzerbastard.

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