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Masters of Legalized Confusion!
EYEHATEGOD 11/14/13 Full Set
Now SHowing!

25 years of motherfucking DYSFUNCTION is what EYEHATEGOD has given the world, and they have no plans of stopping! This past weekend they performed in Brooklyn and destroyed St.Vitus. Our comrade
(((UnartigNYC))) was on hand and captured this insane set played to a hungry crowd of EYEHATEGOD fans! Now tune into the Masters of Legalized Confusion! R.I.P. Joey LaCaze, and welcome to their newest member, Aaron Hill (Drums).


EHG playing live at Saint Vitus in Brooklyn, New York City on November 14, 2013.

Setlist courtesy of Samuel Rojas:
Take as Needed for Pain 1:40
Jackass In The Will of God 6:00
Lack of Almost Everything 10:05
New Orleans Is The New Vietnam 13:06
White Neighbor (White Nigger) 18:12
30$ Bag 24:55
Sisterfucker (Part I) 27:33
Sisterfucker (Part II) 29:30
Masters of Legalized Confusion 32:13
Medicine Noose 38:30
Blank 43:10
New Song 50:25
Serving Time in the Middle of Nowhere 54:15
? 58:42
Methamphetamine 1:04:13



  1. k.lloyd/ dirtkicker

    November 23, 2013 at 4:45 am

    So happy they are back on the wagon man.Super Sabbath Riffage.

  2. Taylor Bland

    November 20, 2013 at 9:28 pm

    As much as I embrace my long heritage (American standards) of the PNW Forests, I feel like I’m missing out not living on the other coast.

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