How music sounds is important, but for me, most of the time I’m more into how music makes me feel. A very unique album was released at the end of last year, Transparencies, and was created by a human named Kevin Hufnagel. Using only guitars, this album invokes internal reflection and out of body experience. What sticks with me about Transparencies is all of the stories I hear on it, without one word being spoken. Kevin’s songwriting skills enable him to convey so much with just one instrument. What you will hear on this album are layers after layers of beautiful sounds crashing up against the unknown, leading you through a labyrinth of transcendental light of healing sound. Transparencies can’t be broken down into one song, because it really should be digested as one whole sonic experiment. Although man-made instruments were used to create this record, there is something so organic about every composition. I can’t live inside of Kevin’s head, but it seems to me that he had the goal to bend space and sound into his own universe. Transparencies is the kind of music I would play if I was battling my demons of depression, because every strum of Kevin’s guitar is a beacon of light. The word majestic comes to mind when I hear this music – it reminds me of seeing the Swiss Alps and realizing the profundity of nature. Kevin Hufnagel has written a record that will transcend genres, because I don’t care what kind of music you are into, Transparencies magnifies what’s real.

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