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Avant Garde

CVLT Nation Streaming
JG/BC “Sorath”

Life is full of shapes, textures, vibrations, emotions, colors and sounds that we can’t even name. The new project JG/BC is this kind of music. Yes, it’s all instrumental, but when you hear music like this you don’t even miss the vocals. JG/BC songs will make you go grab your bong and head out to a cliff overlooking the beach where you can daydream for hours. These tunes will float into your thoughts and elevate your reality to an alternative universe. JG/BC’s album Sorath is streaming in full below and is out now via Fallow Records.




  1. Lani Parker

    March 18, 2013 at 3:00 pm

    Really dig this shit.

  2. guitar_shredda*

    March 12, 2013 at 8:48 am

    absolutely brilliant..

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