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An Incredible Look
Into The Home Life
Of Cosplay Enthusiasts

Having an open mind to all forms of self expression is something I’m totally down for! A couple of months back, our family took a day around Los Angeles on the train. While on one ride, we met a group of teenagers that were all dressed up and full of passion. We struck up a conversation with them and found out they were into cosplay for a video game that our friend’s company actually designed. That moment, I realized that these humans in costume have a major role in the fantasy world of games and movies. All of this brings me to Klaus Pichler‘s new series entitled Just the Two of Us, that features Austrian cosplay enthusiasts at home doing everyday life things. These photos are striking and show that no one should judge these people for doing their own thing. Check out Klaus Pichler’s amazing photos and step into the ordinary universe of fantasy.

Who hasn’t had the desire just to be someone else for awhile? Dressing up is a way of creating an alter ego and a second skin which one’s behaviour can be adjusted to. Regardless of the motivating factors which cause somebody to acquire a costume, the main principle remains the same: the civilian steps behind the mask and turns into somebody else. ‘Just the Two of Us’ deals with both: the costumes and the people behind them.

08-just the two of us-03

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013



Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013

Just the two of us, Klaus Pichler, 2013



  1. Klaus Pichler

    November 6, 2013 at 3:26 pm

    …and the best: Klaus Pichler still loves Black Metal! It’s an honor for me to be featured on CVLT Nation – I love the blog and I get lots of inspiration from it, besides discovering new music. Thanks! Greetings from the photographer.

    • CVLT Nation

      November 6, 2013 at 3:32 pm

      Wow thanks for the kind words Klaus! We love your photography and we should get some features in the works…

      • Klaus Pichler

        November 7, 2013 at 1:49 am

        Thanks! I would love it!

  2. Nick

    November 5, 2013 at 2:17 pm

    These are great

  3. Danisthebastard

    November 5, 2013 at 10:39 am

    Interesting. Very,very interesting. No different than corpse paint, right.?!

  4. Peter

    November 5, 2013 at 9:49 am


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