Have you ever heard them sound of pure anger mixed with the strength of uncut fury? Well I have, and it has come in the form of HEARTLESS’s new album Hell Is Other People, which will be released via Southern Lord on November 8th. Bloody fucking hell, this record is packed with 13 songs that were written with the mission to punish the listener’s senses and shatter what you might perceive as sonic rage! Okay, the band’s name is HEARTLESS, but everything about them shows that these humans put 300% heart into all of their compositions, and this is one reason you will not be able to avoid how rad they are. Damn, this band’s music makes my face contort & transform because of the different levels of chaotic audio rawness it puts out! HEARTLESS is a three-headed monster, each head reaping various forms of extreme music: power violence, metallic hardcore & mayhem crust. This band does not chip away at your inner demons, because they pound the fuck out them with their cyco drumming attack, the backbone of every track! HEARTLESS represents unity non-stop – you can hear and feel the respect that they have for each other and how serious they take their songwriting. With all of the aggressive vibe you will hear on Hell Is Other People, the band still crafts tunes that have an epic sense of real emotion and sinister melody. On the lyrical tip, these humans don’t sugar coat shit, which is awesome in my book, plus their singer gives 600% of himself on every track. So here is the way to make your skull explode: put your head between two speakers blasting “Pathogen” and the next thing you know you will be skulless. The storm of huge riffs that you will encounter on this album will make your head spin. Actually HEARTLESS have created one huge CAN OF DESTROY ALL with their new album! What now? At the end of Nov. they will kick off a major U.S. Tour with Full Of Hell, tour poster after the jump! I know for a fact these dudes are going to kill live, so do the only thing you can do and
[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/02-Resuscitate_Suffocate.mp3|titles=HEARTLESS Resuscitate_Suffocate]
[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/04-Late.mp3|titles=HEARTLESS Late]

The album’s artwork was the creation of Brian D’Agosta

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