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Garten Der Unbewusstheit…
Review + Streaming

Every time I listen to this record, I feel as if my spirit has been transformed into something or someone I have never seen before. Every time time I listen to this record, I feel as if huge tidal waves of new emotions have washed over all of my nightmares & turned them into giant land masses of eternal hope. Every time I listen to this record, I feel as if thoughts that I once questioned have now been answered by the tones vibrating off of the guitars that are glowing in my eardrums. Every time I listen to this record, I feel as if I know for a fact that CORRUPTED are more than just a band, they are sonic force that if the whole universe heard, we would all be better off.

Their new album, Garten Der Unbewusstheit, is so awesome that I find it hard to put into words. I’m so amazed at the growth of this band & how they have taking what we all have called doom to a different sphere of sonic reality. If I was given the choice to only be able to listen one album for the rest of my life, this album would be it. The majority of the music on Garten Der Unbewusstheit is instrumental, but that does not mean that this record will not speak to every life that you have lived, even those you have not lived yet. CORRUPTED has crafted songs that are full of slow-moving, majestic radness that opens up your mind to other ways of looking at our existence. I guess you could call Garten Der Unbewusstheit a very thought-provoking album, but that is only one layer of how epic this piece of audio history really is! The bass tones on every song have talons like a hawk that will swoop your aura up into the air & fly you all around on the wings of your imagination. At times, the bass lines are almost silent, but then they start to build at a snail’s pace, before erupting into gnarly volcano of doom lava pouring out of your ear drums. CORRUPTED’s guitar work on Garten Der Unbewusstheit is so killer, listening to it is like watching a master painter do his thing, because so many different scenes are being brought to life with every pluck of the guitar strings. Myriad languages are spoken with the sounds coming from the tones of the guitars. Vocally, this album is a perfect example of how emotion transcends the barrier of language, because when truth is being spoken you will understand it, even if it is spoken to you in a foreign tongue. CORRUPTED’s vocal delivery on every song has a humble energy about it ,but at the same time, extreme amounts of power radiate off of each word, unlocking the doors to your despair. From now until forever, this CORRUPTED album, Garten Der Unbewusstheit, will be a part of how I look at my place in this universe – all I can say is that I hope you bring this record into your life.

[audio: Garten.mp3|titles=CORRUPTED – Garten] [audio: Gekkou No Daichi.mp3|titles=CORRUPTED – Gekkou No Daichi]
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