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Apocalyptic Blues

Falling from Cloud 9
Retrospective Now Showing!

Do you ever have those nights where you go to a show to see one band, but it’s another band that blows your mind? This is what happened to me in 2001 while I was living in Seattle. I made my way one night to the Graceland, and this band from Denton, TX called Lift To Experience took everyone in that room on a fucking magic carpet ride. Their mammoth wall of shoegaze bliss transported us all to a new state of reality. Lift To Experience frontman, Josh T. Pearson, was full of a special light that almost blinded me, but the whole band was a rad unit. I would say that in their short life, this band made a huge difference in the people’s lives who own their records and got to see them live. That night, I bought their only album, The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads, released by Bella Union. If one band could give Spiritualized a run for their feedback, Lift To Experience was that band. Today, CVLT Nation would like to celebrate this lost American treasure with a video essay of live footage plus a rare documentary. So after the jump, step into the storm and watch Lift To Experience do their thing!



  1. Tim

    July 26, 2012 at 9:30 pm

    Yeah, I’ve got something like that… like a more visceral version of TJC before Bella Union remixed it. It forever changed the way I write music. These guys deserved it all.

  2. ChrisOver

    July 25, 2012 at 12:50 pm

    Had their 4 song touring cd from 1998 and has some some songs from TxJ Crossroads but way grittier and epic! Wish I still had that disc.

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