If there were ever a country to deserve Ambient/Shoegaze/Post-Black Metal, I’m sure it’s Pakistan. The sweeping endless sand dunes are some of the bleakest locations currently known to man. You can keep your forests of endless nights, and looming perma-frost mountain-tops. At least you can make a tent, or dig a trench there and at least something non poisonous will walk by at some point. Out in the dunes, it’s just you. Rising up like a forgotten titan from said dunes are Necktarium, carrying with them the swells of time. Taking cues from Cold Body Radiation, Sun Devoured Earth and other Avant-black-gaze bands, Necktarium crashes the ethereal wave into primitive brutality. Dive in after the fall.
Necktarium is the work of Abbas Wernahul, from Islamabad, Pakistan. Abbas started Necktarium around the time his former band (incidentally also just him) Abyssed broke up. He released his demo,Dreamblur in 2010 on Khrysanthony, who also released Petrychor‘s recent offering. Get the demo here.
Dreamless Sun trudges forth towards the meat grinder, all the while keeping the spotlight on the ghosts floating over head. The voice swings through the melody with agony and strife and calls out like an echo in the fog. Ante Meridiem is by far the blackest track, thrashing about in a sea of distortion and decay. A pulverizing track that rolls forth like a black train. There is a restrained emotive feature to this album that drew me in from the get go, it feels like held back tears (probably the least metal statement on this whole website), constantly brooding and churning and likely to brim when least expected. A new album is in the works, and I hope at some point Abbas decides to take his act stateside.

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