SEED OF PAIN is probably one of the most exciting Post-_____-bands there are these days. This Swiss collective started in 2007 as a Hardcore band in the vein of bands like Burn, even at this early point in their career way more experimental and open to non-Hardcore influences than most of their contemporaries. A bunch of years, line-up additions and releases later, SEED OF PAIN’s new album Red Suns is about to see the darkness of night and you can expect nothing less but the darkest and nihilistic, experimental and varied bit of music in years.
Gladly enough I was able to follow SEED OF PAIN’s way from early on, when they startet out as a promising Hardcore outfit. Like mentioned above they developed more and more into what they are today. But with every release this developement felt just so natural you’d never thought that SEED OF PAIN would try too hard to act as something they are not. Just in contrary, their musical journey seems so logical, it wouldn’t even make sense if they’d do something else but evolving the way they do.
Red Suns‘ main influence, at least in my ears, are the heavier Neurosis, fortified with lots of details from countless other bands and genres: (Post-) Punk, Industrial, Neo-Folk, Hardcore, Black Metal etc.
What makes this record so outstanding, besides the obvious great choice of influences, is that even if there are really a lot of different directions the music comes from, there is a very clear direction it goes to. The different elements are greatly woven into another, the musical landscape that is created takes you from really quiet, fragile moments to heavy, aggressive ones without ever losing the focus. The best example might be Hyperborean Utopia, which starts as a hypnotic, calm song of a Neo Folkish mood, bursting out into probably the heaviest riff of the whole record after about four and a half minutes. From the deepest and darkest places of soul to angrily clenched fists – this is what may describe Red Suns best.
Red Suns is going to be released on the band’s own label, Edition Gris Records. And now the bad news: Red Suns won’t be released until October 8th. So there’s still some time left for you to get into SEED OF PAIN’s back-catalog, and you definetely should do so. Stay tuned for pre-order and further information about Red Suns.

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