Unholy fuck…stop whatever you are doing, and check out this gnarly band from Belgium called SEVERE. These filthy humans play blackened punk the way it’s supposed to be done: no holds barred rancid chaos from end to end! Every untitled song on this record has been stamped by the mark of the beast. SEVERE creates a violent atmosphere with their sound that has me hooked like it was the most addictive drug on the planet. More than anything, these guys are pretty epic songwriters, penning their tunes like subhuman gutter dwellers. Under all of the stench that their riffs kick up, your can’t escape their charbroiled melody. If I had to compare music to food, it would be burned vulture meat topped off with a unhealthy dose of maggots. Don’t get me wrong – if you like disturbed blackened punk, you’ll dig what this band is serving. What impresses me about this band is the way that at certain times it almost feels like you have entered a chamber of doom. The vocalist for this band has a demon tongue; his delivery is raw and uncut torment. I’m not sure what song I’ll choose, but I do know for sure SEVERE has earned a spot on the next volume of Blackened Everything. If you are in Belgium reading this, they have some dates coming up with some of our favorite bands (ie Masakari and Early Graves). It gets even bleaker: we are streaming the album below, plus peep the download link HERE!
30.04.12 Aralunaires – Arlon (BE)
29.06.12 Magasin 4 w/ Ravencult – Bruxelles (BE)
07.08.12 The Pits w/ Early Graves – Kortrijk (BE)
09.07.12 Liège w/ Masakari (BE)

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