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Eight Stories…
Samantha Marble & EYEHATEGOD

Photographer: Samantha Marble
Based in: Brooklyn, NY


Mike IX Williams at Club Europa in Brooklyn, NY on October 26th, 2009:
This is the photo that started it all and is very special to me. It’s what sparked the obsession with photographing Eyehategod, it’s where I found my technique and its what got me shooting for Brooklyn Vegan like my pants were on fire for over a year. It was the first time I had been asked to shoot a band I was a huge fan of. It was the first time they had toured in recent years.


Jimmy Bower at Scoot Inn in Austin, TX March 18th, 2011:
I should begin with saying that I have about 400 photos of Jimmy and it was hard to choose one for this project. I chose this one because it’s the most recent and it’s the epitomy of Jimmy- cigarette hanging out of his smile and guitar in hand. I was in Austin for SXSW this past year covering metal for Brooklyn Vegan. It was the last day of shows and I had been shooting bands for 12 hours already. The last of the Profound Lore showcases were wrapping up and I realized I had gotten my nights mixed up when someone told me Eyehategod was about to go on stage across town. I called Jimmy to see if I could even get into the show in the first place and he just told me to hurry up. Trying to find a cab in Austin during SXSW is like trying to find water during a drought so a drunken power walking session with Liz from Earsplit and a few others it was. I didn’t actually need to cover this for anyone. I’d shot one of their shows recently for BV and for an interview coming out in High Times. I just really wanted to go to the show- to hear them live and to be around something familiar. I made it just in time and snuck on to the side of the stage where I was greeted by the boys before they went on. The show was unreal. It was 1am and the stage was outside. I met a lot of incredible people while I was in Austin and was surrounded by all of them. Its one of the best memories I have of being out there.


Joey LaCraze at Club Europa in Brooklyn, NY on June 12th, 2010:
One of the founding members and one badass drummer, ’nuff said.


Brian Patton at Club Europa in Brooklyn, NY on June 12th, 2010:
In most of the shots I have of Brian, he’s either smiling out into the crowd or he’s contently focused on playing his guitar like there the only two things in the room. It’s always nice to find out that some people’s personalities are like what you think they might be like from pictures. When I met Brian that’s what I found, a friendly, disarming guy but someone not to fuck with. This was taken during one of the slow, chugging “Take as Needed for Pain” breakdowns. There was a crowd of 400 hundred sweaty bobbing heads along and Brian leading the way like a snake charmer.


Gary Mader at Club Europa in Brooklyn, NY on February 18th, 2011:
Real slow. Real dirty. Real heavy.


Crowd at Club Europa in Brooklyn, NY on February 18th, 2011:
Brian gives the horns as some kid crushes onlookers.


Mike at Club Europa in Brooklyn, NY on February 18th, 2011:
I’d been ducking and dodging people like I was roaming through the jungles of Nam. I was on my way to shoot from the other side of the stage when I got close to the front center I was able to to get a clear shot so I jumped up and Mike saw me. I just fired as fast as I could. I was crushed so tightly between people and up against the stage it literally took me off my feet.


Eyehategod at Club Europa in Brooklyn, NY on June 12th, 2010:
Sister Fucker kicked in and I was standing on a table towards near the edge of the crowd shooting. I’ll never do that again. I got was able to get this shot before the chaos of the crowd sent me flying backwards. It was like slow motion as I just focused on holding my camera tight, up in the air as to not drop it. I got the shot though.

A majority of these photos first appeared on Brooklyn Vegan. I’d like to thank Fred Pessaro for making it all possible.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Kevin

    September 13, 2011 at 4:12 pm

    Awesome article! I was at the sxsw show this year and stood right next to Samantha for EHG. I remember her punching me in the shoulder and asking me how excited I was for the show, the answer to which was extremely. First time I got to see EHG (finally!) and it will most definitely not be the last time! Incredible live band.

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