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Dragunov – Chernobyl Review


Dragunov‘s Chernobyl bites through its 4 1/2 minute play time like a pack of irradiated feral dogs set upon a sleeping camper. Relentless and deranged, Chernobyl hits that grindcore sweet spot perfectly as it’s not all hyper speed blasts, but rather frantic stomps that jump to faster speeds only to accentuate a particular riff or vocal line.

Fast, imperfect, varied and intense, Dragunov’s strongest facet are the off the wall vocals and the impromptu sense of playing as the drums have a great personality and the riffing is viscous and rough. Add to that the bits of feedback and shambles in between songs and you get a very live, one take kind of feel.

For fans of Self HateWarsore, and Enemy Soil.

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