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Black Metal

The Plague is Upon Us…
PEST Track “Devil’s Mark” Streaming Now!

Swedish Black Metal vets PEST are set to release The Crowning Horror, their first full length in five years, on June 18th in Europe and July 9th in North America via Agonia Records. Today we are excited to premiere “Devil’s Mark,” a track off the upcoming album which was mixed by Fred Estby (ex-Dismemebr/Carnage/Necronaut) of Gutterview Recorders and mastered by Andy Jackson (Pink Floyd) at Tube Mastering. This track will really give you a taste of the vileness you are in for – if you are a fan of old school black metal like Bathory or Celtic Frost, press play below and let the addictive beat and twisted vocals of PEST drag you down to hell!

[audio: Devil’s mark.mp3|titles=PEST – Devil’s mark]


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