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Death Metal


The new ASPHYX album is a kick in the teeth from the very first fucking song, and song after song they pound you with body blows until you ask for mercy! Deathammer is the perfect name for this record, because it’s a straight skull-bruiser, and on Febuary 28th you will have the chance to bring this gnarly record into your existence via Century Media. Warning: if you can’t handle giant cryptic riffs, drums that pound with the beat of the underworld, basslines that can break bones and vocals that are the true sound of the undead, this album is not for you! I don’t need to heed this warning, because ASPHYX has created an album that is my new weapon of choice, so all of you haters stand back because the Deathhammer is coming for you. It is epic the way their tune “Into The Timewastes” just jumps out at you, grabs you by your long straggly hair and smashes your face into the concrete. ASPHYX wrote this song so that you have no choice but to take notice. Then they unleash their title track, “Deathhammer,” which makes me feel like my head is underneath the jackhammer of death metal, and the only thing that could stop the brutality is for the song to end. I really dig all of the speed that ASPHYX has injected into many of the songs on Deathhammer, but it’s when they decide to slow things down a bit that shit starts to get sinister. The doom-laden “Minefield” is a perfect example of this; something about the guitar tones puts the listener into the mind of serial killer, and from the first note of this song, you get a morbid sensation in the pit of your stomach. The vocals on this album are an instrument unto themselves, and the singer’s delivery is haunting and captivating on every tune. I give ASPHYX respect for not over-producing this record – this band totally executes their vision of filth perfectly. You can also hear that everyone joined forces with one goal in mind, and that was to create an album that would punish the listener, and never let up. Is there one weak link in Deathhammer? Hell fucking no. If you are a fan, you will not be disappointed, and if you are not one yet, after you hear the diseased sounds of Deathhammer, you will join the ASPHYX horde!

[audio:|titles=ASPHYX Deathhammer]
1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Alf

    March 27, 2012 at 1:26 pm

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