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CVLT Nation’s Top 6
Art Posts of 2013

This year we have an interesting collection of art posts for the Top 6 of 2013 in the Art category. We introduced the “tattoo” category, which has gotten a lot of love from our readers, and all in all, you can see what posts scored the highest with our readers – you bunch of dark motherfuckers…

1. Metaldudes Cats Book By Alexandra Crockett


This book isn’t even out yet, but we learned that just the hint of putting “metal” and “cats” together is enough to cause a huge stir. Our readers love cats. And metal. So By the time Alexandra Crockett gets her book of awesome portraits of metal dudes and their cats out, she won’t be able to print enough copies!

2. Fuck Yeah YAKUZA Body Art & Missing Fingers


The tattoo category did really well for us this year, and we learned that you guys are really, really into gang tattoos. Be them Yakuza, Russian prison tattoos, LA gang tattoos or any other, when dudes completely tattoo their whole bodies in tribute to their tribe, you are into it. These Yakuza tattoos are pretty fucking hard core.

3. CVLT Nation’s Favorite Tumblr This Moment: FUCK YEAH DALI


Of all the “Fuck Yeah” tumblrs we posted this year, you guys were into Dali the most. Understandable. He was tripping us all out before we even knew how to trip out.

4. Laugh Now Cry Later…GANG TATTOOS Up-Close


Another gang tattoo post – this one mostly focused on the face tattoos of Latin gangs. These dudes are in for life!

5. Death is the Mother of Beauty: Sally Mann’s Body Farm Photography


Sally Mann’s Body Farm series, taken at the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility’s body farm, is unbelievably fascinating in a stomach-churning kind of way. Her photos are portraits of human decomposition, and evoke both horror and peacefulness at the same time.

6. Seven Stories…Milton Stille


Milton Stille is a photographer out of our new home base, Vancouver, BC, who has taken some stunning shots of live music in our city and others. Not surprised his Seven Stories made it in to the Top 6, leading off with this sick shot of Converge.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Pan Dust Dirt

    January 9, 2015 at 8:47 pm

    A lot of the art seams to have gone missing, I really love this site, I am very interested in seeing this art.

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