On Nov.5th, King Dude releases his new album, Love, via Dais Records. King Dude has stepped up and delivered a record that will make you feel as if you are walking in a haunted forest after a huge heartbreak, and we have been lucky enough to hear his ten new ghostly anthems. CVLT Nation is super stoked that today we have the chance to premiere one of his new tracks, “Don’t Want Me Still”. Stay tuned for an in-depth review of Love, but in the meantime, pre-order the new King Dude HERE.
[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/02-Dont-Want-Me-Still.mp3|titles=King Dude Don’t Want Me Still]
Ben of the graves
November 5, 2011 at 8:59 pm
yay shipping is next monday, i hope i get it by next friday! haha.